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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  November 29, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EST

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"money" with melissa francis is next. melissa: i'm melissa francis and here's what's "money" tonight. a pension showdown that the country's biggest public pension is ready to sue the city of san bernardino, california. the bankrupt city, refuses to pay into pensions well, because it is broke. the results could send shockwaves across the country. get out while you still can. a new rert reveals 11 states are in a financial deatspiral. we'll tell you if you're living in one. what investors and businesses should do to avoid them at all costs. the odds are 1 in 175
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million? no problem. just hours to go until e $550 million powerball jackpot. we have the winning tips from someone who has beat the odds seven times. even when they say it's not, it's always about money melissa: got my powerball. let's take a look at the market headlines. call it mic to investors ears. stocks rallied big following word of progress in congre's fiscal cliff negotiations. yeah, i will believe it when i see it. after tumbling in early trading the dow rebounded more than 200 points, closing up 10 points. see what happens when congress stops screwing things up? i don't know. we'll see. disney joining a wave of companies increasing their annual stock dividend. the company will raise the stock cash payout by 25% to 75 cents a share. disney is trading up
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slightly of a hours on the news. shares of costco leaped more than 6%. the company beat expectations for november same-store sales and announced it will pay out a special stock dividend, $7 per share. now to our top story night t could be a total game-changer for pensions and municipal creditors. thenation's biggest public employee pension fund, calpers, is preparing to sue the bankrupt city of san bernardino, california, since that city stopped making payments to the pension fund. calpers says the city already owes the fund almost $7 million since filing for bankruptcy in august, on august 1st. now this is a first. i got to tell you. no city has ever halted payments to call percent. what could it mean? will other cities follow suit? with me the former governor arnold schwarzenegger's press secretary and attorney joey jackson. thanks o much for joining us, both of you. >> thanks, jenna. meliss aaron, i will start with you. this is a first but it's not,
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not totally unexpected. they're broke. what are they supposed to do? >> that's why you go to bankruptcy so the courts figure out who you owe first and who gets what money. you're exactly right they're broke. short of winning the powerball san bernardino has very few options. they have to cut services elsewhere to pay for pensions or raiseaxes to pay for the pensions. one way or another they will have to pay the bill. melissa: really? joey what do you think?. >> i think hes right. what is the smell? sweet smell of victory. ultimately i don't think municipality can get out of this. yes it is in federal court. the question becomes, does the federal government take priority, does the state take priority? back a long, long time ago, melissa when the atute was enacted for bankruptcy it has to be federal. state contract says you honor that obligation. i think states are sovereign. municipalities are sovereign. the fs will be reluctant to tell them what to do. ultimately obligation,
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nkruptcy or not, that has to be satisfied. melissa: aaron, that is what bankruptcy is all about. that's why you declare bankruptcy. that's why you go through all the penalties involve in it. it is not a happy thing. it wl be very rd for them to borrow money in the future. they're going you there the downside of bankruptcy. seems like they should get the upside as well. is, they don't have the money. raising more taxes? people are fleeing this city as it is. >> what happened to vallejo, the first california city to go bankrupt in 2008. they actuall did raise taxes. along with that, they told citizens they could decide where the taxes went. so you may see a similar situation in places like san bernardino. tell you, melissa. it will not be the last one. pensions for local government are only 50% funded at this point. you have the situation going on across the state. melissa: you have the situation going on where there are just these liabilities there is no way to pay down the line, right, aaron? isn't that the real problem? >> well the problem is, the
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local governments, state government has been making promises they can't keep. really not fault of employees or frankly labor unions who will ask all they can get. it is fault of politicians who make the promises without setting aside money to pay for them. state level and municipalities we're paying more a mor money to pensions and retiree health care benefits and less and less benefits to public safety. that will con until we solve the problem and fix our pensions for good. melissa: you think calpers fails in this situation? >> i do. melissa: this will not be the only time we'll see this tried. >> absolutely not. melissa: someone else will try. they will find a law and a way not to pay this down the road. if not san bernardino it will be someone else. >> i think a precedent will be set here. whenever there is bankruptcy what is it about it is about reorganizing and restructure turing your debt so it is manageable and you can afford it. where you have aontractual obligation by the state, look it defined benefit. you have to pay it, i think
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what they will end up doing structuring in such a way it frees up theirable to do this. hear is the laer question, melissa --. melissa: how would that work though? >> ultimately, there is all kind of creditors, right? you have debtor creditors. you have creditors who are owed money. me creditors who are owed money in the priority chain, list of priorities they're way down. but when you have commitments, you have to honor those commitments. this is a commitment that no to get out of.lity has tried they're now trying to do it. i think precedent would be set here would be dangerous. it would lead to parade of horribles by many others who would try to avoid this. that would lead to disaster. as aesult i would say pay up. that is whathe courts will do, prediction. melissa: a aaron, i don't know if i agree with that. in bankruptcy there is always obligation to pay. that is what every single contract is about. i understand some debt is subordinate to other debt. this is what bankruptcy is all about. i am broke. i am so sorry i can not meet my
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obligations. now let's restructure and figure out what to do here. sound like every time a union is broken, this is seems textbook to me. >> they can pay it. they have to do less stuff. that is happening in places like vallejo. we're really defining what a city does here in california. because of obligations for pensions and retiree health care benefits we can't pay, we have to do fewer things as city government. it will come down to some cities will not exist to provide services to the taxpayer they're going to exist to basically write checks and process checks for retirees. it is really headed that way. melissa: wow! they will fund the retirees rather than picking up trash or whatever else? >> or to joey's point. they may have to. they may not have a choice. if the courts say you have to pay this first, they say fine we'll not pick up trash. we'll not have cops. we'll pay pensions. melissa: have to go -- >> raise revenue. raise taxes. no one wants to hear it. melissa: raising taxes does not increase revenue
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necessarily. that is discussion for another time. thanks for joining us. people just leave. san bernardino, piece of cake. go over the border. thanks so much. do you live in a state currently in a death spiral speaking of taxes and bad situations? you just might. "forbes" magazine says 11 states are in the death spiral rht now. this is including look, are you on the list. you're in yellow. new york, illinois, california, all those other people, are you on there? they isolated two major factors. one is ratio of takers versus makers. this is their phrase, not ours. don't get mad at me. people who get a check from the government, versus, they're the takers. compared to people who work in the private sector and send a check into the government. they work in the private sector. they're the makers. the other factor is the state's creditworthiness. score badly on both fronts your state is doomed. economic guru peter morici is here to break it all down for us. first of all, what do you think of their methodology? it is pretty interesting because they use example of a place like california. using this ratio, you know,
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if you are a software company and yo hire 100 people you're supporting 139 other people who are not getting checks back from the city, whether they're pension recipients like we were talking about in the previous segment or be welfare recipients or city and state workers. what do you think of their methodology? >> i think it is sound. if we look at the bankruptcy of new yorcity manyears ago we've gotten to the point where so many people were getting a check from city hall versus those that had to pay the taxes, whether it was from the very generous retirement proams the cityf new york had or all the folks that it had on the payroll the city bbcame untenable. california just had a big tax increase and it can solve its problems as a state, not poor san bernardino for a up can years that way. you can only raise taxes on wealthy so many times. when you get to 100% taxes where are you going to be? melissa: yeah. >> my feeling they don't want to adjust the fundamental problems of
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skyrocketing health care costs. they get a lot of leadership from washington on that. and, basically don't want to raise the retirement age for their state employees. they probably have too many state employees anyway including in the state universities. so they, they are going to be in this situation. i think it is very sound. melissa: their point is that, they're are sort of two major things they're judging on, takers versus makers and the creditworthiness of the state which includes things like t debt load and environment for business. how many businesses are leaving the state because theye ovtaxed or overburdened or overregulated, whatever it is. what is the net there. home values whether rising falling and unemployment. they're trying to make the overall point it is a death spiral for a state when you have more people in the cart than pulling the cart. is that -- >> absolutely. melissa: is that correct? >> that is absolutely it. that is probably the best indicator of all. a lot of credit ratings really lag reality. if you have a high income
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state. you then raise your taxes like maryland just did, very similar o california, so you really collecting a lot of taxes the bond ratings agencies say you're pretty good. what they don't realize they rent u-haul trucks in those states and eventually people leave. in the short term they don't leave but in the long term theyon't come. and those that can leave will. melissa: you kno, people will write in make the point when you're talking about pensioners like we were in the lt segment, these people paid in at one time to call them takers now isn't fair. that would be accurate if they had paid some fund was 100% funded and held off in isolation and they were tang money back out that earned interest and done what it was supposed to do. that is not the case. current tax revenue has to be raised in order to pay people things that were promised. >> the way general motors got in trouble, say 1970 make a chevy impala and sell it for $6,000. but really cost $7,000 to
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make but they hid that from themselves by promising pension benefits they knew down the road they knew they wouldn't be able to pay. same with retiree health care. states are doing the same thing. they haven't been collecting enough money to pick up the rbage and educate the kids and subsidize those marvelous mass transit systems. melissa: yeah. >> they have been doing this, promising these employees pensions. so what they have been doing getting services they haven't really been fully paying for. downhe road you have to provide the serces and make up what you didn't pay in the past. melissa: yeah. >> so, you know, it comes down to reallyromising workers more th you c deliver. it is likeaying i'm going to pay the workers buck and a half for making a dollar's worth of lemonade. melissa: one day the bill has to be paid is the problem. peter, thanks so much for coming on. we appreciate it. >> you take care. melissa: time foroday's fuel gauge report. oil prices pulled back from social lows following an unexpected fall in u.s. crude supplies but oil still fell for the third straight
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day settling at 86.49 a barrel. the epa isuspending bp from bidding on any new federal oil contracts or leases. the agency says that the decision is the result of bp's conduct during the 2010 gulf oil spill. the epa did not indicate how long this suspension is going to last. the interior department conducting an oil lease sale in the western gulf of mexico today. they received $133 million in bids by conocophillips. the lease covers 20 million acres of offshore oil and gas prospects in the gulf. next on "money", it seems down right impossible. no, not winning powerball. congress getting its act together on the fiscal cliff but a deal may finally be in reach and senator john barrasso joins us with an update. that is coming up next. plus a sixth straight day of protests against egypan president rsi. we'll tell you how his most powerful opponents are no planning to rein him in. more "money" coming up.
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♪ . melissa: and now, to the fiscal cliff. things seem to take a 180 as news out of the white house indicated progress, made. earlier senator orrin hatch said both sides were about dal billion away from a deal. that sounds like a lot. in washington that is nothing, going over the cliff. we were looking more than 600 dal billion in tax increases and spending cuts. wall street was pleased what they heard today. the president is meeting with top ceos as we speak. make of that what you like. with his take, wyoming senator john barrasso. thanks for coming back to the show. we always appreciate your time. >> thank you, melissa. melissa: what do you think? are we getting closer? to me 23 dal billion, that is a little money. but to you guyuys that is coins in the couch cushion. >> i want to find a solution. i want us to get to an answer on this.
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some democrats said we should go over the fiscal cliff. i think that would be a mistake. i met earlier today with the same ceos that the president is meeting with at this hour. we need to find a solution. it has to be a he had consider credible solution as well a long-term solution that is the markets can look out and have some confidence in that the cuts are real. that the spending is under control. and that our country is on fiscal --. melissa: are we 23 dal billion away from a solution? is that right? >> i'm not sure that is right. i have not heard those numbers and i have been in a lot of the meetings. to work toward a solution we need presidential leadership and need to work towards the best interest of the country. long term as you know we have to focus on entitlements no way raising taxes solves this problem. even what the president is proposing on the taxes of people that make over a quarter of a million dollars a year. melissa: that is drop of in the bucket. it won't close the gap at all. won't make any kd of a
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difference. do you have any kind of a deal that raises revenue but doesn't directly address the idea of cutting spending or limiting entitlements in a it will be done down theuage road? a lot of people are afraid if you agree to that now, that day cuts will never come. >> i agree with you. and those people that say the day of cuts will never come if you agree to that other partf it early. i think you absolutely have to deal with the two tidal waves that are coming at us in terms of the baby boomers getting older, which is social security and medicare, and thenhis new entitlement coming with the president's health care law. we know it is unworkable as a health care law. i can tell youas a doctor. it is unaffordable as a tion. that has to be part of the discussion as well. melissa: what about this idea that senate democrats are trng to limit the filibuster rule? yoknow, do you think that is a good idea? do you support that? do you think it would come back to bite them later on? >> well i oppose the idea
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that senator reid is proposing. i think it is a mistake to limit the rhts of people who elected me and others to have the right to offer amendments and to have unlimited debate on the senate floor. you know, it is interesting when president obama was a senator and republicans were thinking about using this, he said, oh, no, it is terrible, it would destroy the institution and would hurt the country. same thing when senator biden was a senator spoke against it. when harry reid was in the minority he was against it. now they're in the majority. seems like a power play. i think you shouldn't break the rules which is only thing they can do, because they don't have votes to change the rules. you should not break the rules to changehe rules. melissa: from here it is so rd for us to tell how close we're getting to a deal or not. we have our own "money" meter which is scale one to money, what is likelihood a deal gets done. what do you think? what is the likelihood? >> i think it is closer to
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money than to your ds of winning the powerball but we're not done, we're not quite there yet. melissa: what do you think? ve it like a four? >> yeah. melissa: you think four? that is pretty likely we'll not go over the cliff and gesomething done? >> it will not happen soon. christmas is still about a month away. melissa: yeah. okay. but still that makes me pretty hopeful based on what we're talking about, a four makes me feel good. thanks for coming on tonight, senator. >> thank you, melissa. melissa: isn't he a good sport? thatas pretty good. coming up on "money", egypt's judges going against morsi. going on strike. we have the latest in cairo. look at that. what is re likely, winning tonight's powerball jackpot, because i'm going to win it, or getting kid in a bee attack, 28 times over? if you answered the bee attack you're right. one man defied lottery odds ven times to win.
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he will tell us how to win. i have my own ticket. i'm going to win. do you ever have, here it is. this is the winning ticket. do you ever have too much money? ♪
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melissa: more violent protests in egypt over president morsi's unprecedented power grab. today that country's highest court even suspended work in protest. demonstrators continued to clash with police near tahrir square. fox news's steve harrigan filed this report from cairo. >> melissa, protesters out in force again for the sixth night in a row but numbers are down from what we saw last night when as many as
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200,000 peoe were in tahrir square protesting moves by egypt's president mohammed morsi and many calling for his downfall. the protests were reminiscent of those that helped to fall hosni mubarak two years ago. a couple differences to keep in mind. this president was democratically elected by 52% of the vote. so hh does have some legitima. he still has some popular support. we're likely to see the muslim brotherhood come out in force on saturday. we haven't seen them come out and test his popular appeal. the president has not made any moves towards compromise. he apprs to be just waiting it out hping these demonstrators will go home. on the other side opposition leaders say they won't talk to the president, no negotiation until he has a total backdown. they want him to completely withdraw his decree before there are any talks. so right now chance of compromise looks slim whil both sides continue to marshal their forces on the
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streets. melissa. back to you. report.: thanks for at word is that the islamic president morsi will addressee egypt tomorrow on his latest decree. protests in the egyptian constitution. i'm joined by peter brookes, former assistant defense secretary under president george w. bush. now senior fellow with the heritage foundation. thanks so much for joining us. >> good to be with you. melissa: let's start with the address. what do you think he is going to say? >> well, we'll have to see, right? i meane might back down a little bit. or depends on what happens tonight. what the winds lok luke for him, political wind look like him in the morning. he will decide what he will do then. he is also ramping up support. as steve mentioned, there may be some large rallies of support for the president. this is a real shame, what is going on there in egypt. you know, we obviously are already concerned about the direction it was going. but this, this president morsi, who looked like a statesman overseas dealing
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with the israeli hamas situation, now loo like an authoritarian dictator back home. melissa: right. >> so a lot of reasons to be very, very concerned about the chaos and istability that may come out of egypt. melissa: when you read reports and look at pictures we were showing of protests going on in tahrir square do you feel like the wind are blowing in his direion or against him? we're looking at the tear gas, the smoke, everything th is going on there. does it seem like sentiment is moving toward him or away from him? >> it depend where you are. where you sit is where you stand. in cairo you have a large number about of liberal types andecularist. outside of large cities like the people may be supportinging him. he may not move. he is probably testing the waters right now to see what he needs to say say tomorrow. the other big wildcard, melissa, is the military. morsi basically undertook a coup but you could see a military coup, who is still a major power in egypt and
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was holding power until morsi became the psident of the country. so there is still a llt of moving parts here. it is still very dynamic. i don't think this is ov by a longshot. melissa: why is this, just to bring it back to our viewers, why is this so important to americans here? one reasois the suez canal which runs, you know, right there next to egypt. this is an important waterway for all kind of commerce in the area. there's oil in the region. and then, i mean there is egypt's now role and prominence in the region. >eah. egypt is the most populous country in the arab world. it has been a leader for quite some time, a friend of the united states. you mentioned the suez canal. camp david accords, peace with israel. counterterrorism. there have been a lot of bad actors showing up in the sinai. thh gaza, palestinian issue. middle east peace. relations with iran. egypt was a strong bulwark, melissa, against iran's rise in the region.
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now they're talking about setting up diplomatic relations. in fact the new egyptian government let iranian warships go you there the suez canal for the first time since 1979. very important country to americ interests in that part of the world. melissa: this turn of sentiment against america is a big problem. this is a big change from how it had been and is a big problem going frward, right? >> well, you know, you had the big thing during the campaign with president obama asked to describe relations with egypt. he didn't call them an ally. he didn't really call them a friend either. yeah, that is a significant change. the real shame of this would be if the country, as authoritarian in the future as it was under mubarak. i mean, like, how is that arab spring working for you, you know what i mean? this is just one element of the really bad policies we're seeing by the obama administration in the middle east. we're talking about egypt. of course you've got syria. you've got iran's nuclear program.
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real problems in that the pat of the world. very important to american interests. melissa: interesting. peter, thank you for coming on the show. we always appreciate your time. >> thanks for having me. melissa: next on "money", winning lottery is next to impossible but one man has done it seven times. he will join us next with tips to pick the winning lottery ticket f tonight's $550 million powerball jackpot. how can you possibly not watch that? i've got my own ticket right here. should i have waited to buy this until after he was on the show? darn it. "piles ofoney" coming up. i'm still going to win. ♪
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♪ . melissa: all right. have you bought your lottery ticket yet? i did! well, by now you have to know the jackpot is a whopping $550 million. you might also know, well, those are your odds of winning. it is roughly 1 in 175 million. lucky for you we have the man with a secret to increase your chances taking home the dough. he has won millions as a seven-time grand prize
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lottery winner. he wrote the book, learn how to incase your chances of winning the lottery. richard lustig. thanks for being on the show. >> thank you, melissa, for having me on. melissa: give me your best tip. >> oh, boy, there is not any one particular best tip. there are several that are very, very good. so i try to give a few of them out when i do these inteiews. right now the thing i'm pushing the hardest which i usually do is talking about a budget. people need to set a budget when they're going to play lottery. don't spend grocery money. don't spend rent mo money. melissa: okay. >> figure out what you can afford. don't worry how much the guy down the street is spending. melissa: no what you can spend and go out and spend it. one thing you say though, get a set of numbers that are your set of numbers, play them all the time rather than doing the quick pick. why do you think the quick pick is bad? >> the quick pick is bad because it is a, every time you buy a quick pick you're
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getting a completely so your odds are always going to be at the worst they psibly can be. as you just said, a minute ago, the odds of winning tonight's jackpot is 1 in 175 million. that is just an insane figure. so every time you buy a quick pick, your odds will always be 1 in 175 million because you get different set of numbers every time. if you pick your own nummers and play them all the time and never change them, it will sound weird but actually the more, every time you lose, your odds get a little better in your favor that you will win. melissa: richard, doesn't sound weird but sounds mathematically inrrect. lottery like up flipping a coin. every time a new play. so, a number doesn't come up in the but comes up in the last one doesn't make it anymore or less likely to come up because independent play. like flipping a coin. >> when peopleuse that example i say to them, flip a coin. a coin only has two sides.
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we're talking about 175 million possible sets of numbers, okay, i did the research. i've spent 25 years putting this together and making it work and i proven it work because all the times i won so far. when you're talking about set of numbers coming up, which looked all ov, not just the united states but all over the world at all kind of lottery games and we could barely find a half a dozen examples of when a set of numbers came up a second time. it almost never happens. so that's why playing your own set of numbers and over and over again, every time you lose, that is why you gain a little ground because that means that is set of numbers that probably won't co up again. messa: we researched that one. mathematicians disagree with you. you won a bunch times. maybe you bought a lot of tickets. that improves your odds, right? >> of course the more tickets you buy, the mor your chances are of winning. but you know iove that.
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the mathematicians, the question i like to ask those guys is, they're saying well he's wrong, okay? i say, how many grand prizes have you won? melissa: but you see the balls go into the spinning thing and come out. it is an independent play. so it is not like once a ball wins it doe't go back into the little case. it is same balls every time. they're not weighted differently. just because one wins once it has the same mathematical probability of winning again. >> yes. melissa: i understand we're never going to agree on this because you have looked this over. give us one more tip before you go. you have won seven times. i want to win. give me a tip. i will buy anher ticket. how should i pick numbers? use birthdays? something lucky i could do? rub my stomach and patting my head the? give me something? >> there is no magic method to picking yyur numbers. most people pick own numbers use birthday and anniversaries things like
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that. there is nhing wrong with that. nothg really right with it but nothin really wrong with it. some people spend hours and days on a computer running algorithm programs which numbs come up most a come up lease. they pick from that. not that isot right way to do it. there is no wrong or right way to pick your numbers. what is important after you pick the numbers you do research i teach you in my book. very simple to do? melissa: how do you research? how do you do research? >> once you have set of numbers there is way to do research to find outf it is a good set of numbers. play it for ever. never change a single one of those numbers. never miss a draw. that is one way you increase chances of winning. melissa: how do y that research? any hints on that? >> well, one of the big points about it is what i said earlier, is, again, flipping a coin, sure tails and head will come up so many times but only two choices. we did the reserve.
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we cldn't find more than a half a dozen times that a set of numbers, when you're talking games that have five or six numbers in them, there is, we can only find half a dozen times at best where the same set of numbers came up a sond time. so once a set of numbers has come up, that set of numbers is out of the equation. melissa: thank you so much for coming on. i was going to say good luck to you. you've already had the luck. good luck to me tonight. >> i hope that you call me tomorrow and tell me you won. i would love to hear that. melissa: there you go. for the audience we told you we did look in and do research. one of the numbers most chosen, 56. that has been up 16 times. won 16 times. that is good to ha in the x. in case you didn't get enough out of the segment. i want to give you something you could use. here is the question of day, what is your winning strategy to win the powerball jackpot. follow us on
12:44 am francis. or twitter at @missa a francis. at the endnd of the day it is all about money. ♪
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♪ . melissa: helping our heroes work. one army website is lending a hand to soldiers about it ave the service finding them jobs that best match their skills and interest. the website, hero to hired, is part of the ongoin effort by the army to make it easier for soldiers to transition to civilian life. we have a retired major general that is director of family and employee programs and policy in the office of reserves affairs which oversees the hero to hire program. general, welcome to the show. thanks so much for coming tell us exactly how this works. how do you match the soldiers with the right jobs? >> well, melissa, thank you
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very much for having me on. well, h to h, hero to hi, is a cprehensive program. it is not just a website or not just a job board. it's a comprehensive program with virtual career fairs. we have a mobile job store. we do have a web portal. parts of that web portal has pieces to it likean outstanding military skills translator. we have mobile phone apps that work with your smartphones. you know, all, young folks today use smartphones. melissa: that is how they're going to access it. that hasot to work that way for sure. one of the things that i love it has a great way of matching the particular skills of someone returning from battle to a job that they would beest for. it also, serves members o their family, right? >> it does, ma'am. it's for the servicemembers, the spouses, and veterans
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and in general across the board. our employer support of the guard and reserves volunteers out there across the country help carry that message to employers that are out there looking and are military friendly employers looking for new employees. you know our reserve members and veterans bring great value to the worklace. they have skillsets that easily transition to civilian occupations, like our mechanics, our truck drivers, our aviation personnel. our medics. those easily transition into civilian occupations. and with only 1% of our population serving today it is very imptant that wn they return from the theater where they're looking for a job, the least we can do is have a job for them available. melissa: without question. from an employer's point of view, there are things that make them particularly good employees as well, right? >> oh, yesma'am. you know, they come to you. they have background, their background has been
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screened. they have security clearances. and they have excellent training whether in the military. they're tech-savvy. so just as i talked about some of those duty at this specialties that transition into the civilian wk place easily, that is what make them great employees. they are time sensitive. melissa: yeah. >> they are focused. they are motivated. they're loyal. they're dedicated. melissa: yes. >> and they work in complex environments when they're in the military. so they're accustomed to that in a civilian work place. melissa: yeah, absolutely. it is that attitude and that commitment and that loyalty also makes them fantastic employees. thanks for coming in on and sharing that with us today. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much for having us on. melissa: protesters introduce something to the floor of congress. their pants. details who they attempted to give a bare naked surprise to. that is coming up next. you can never have too much money.
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you can have too much exposure though. ♪
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>> thyme for spare change, we have fox news contbutor and dennis kneale, i love you guys. aids actists strip down outside john boehner's office yesterday. ey were promptly arrested, protesting cuts to the medicaid. do you think this was an effective tactic? what do you think? >> what's next, lap dces from diabetes sufferers? what bothers me is every group that worries about cuts can go protest. at what point do they say i realize we have to cut back somewhere. >> that will never happen. never. >> i'm more concerned about getting naked in front of boehner. no offense, mr.speaker, but, oh. the spray tan? >> they do not look spray tanned. >> they did pick some of the more attractive -- >> i have to say, you know, i think you need to -- >> 35% of
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the people should be obese, but they are not. it's not representative. >> next-under-par, a web entrepreneur lawns -- launched a dating site for travelers. has 20,000 members worldwide. >> all of them are men. men are the only ones who would want a short term meeting in an airport. >> scary. >> i love the idea. i think it's great. because what are you going to do in the airport? it makes no sense. sit at the bar by yourself, drink with somebody else. >> the reason a man goes on a date is because of what we hope the date leads to. >> mile high club, den. >> it leads nowhere. or lead to -- >> mile high club. >> it's all kinds -- >> are you going to the same place? you meet at the airport, what are the odds -- it's like in a fair dpling type ing. there's not -- >> i actually know two people that married somebody who met on
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a plane. >> i don't know. %-better business model for the airport. airports, i'm sorry, they ought to have topless bars that would kill -- >> what! what are you talking about? >> it would help the airlines keep customers happy. go into a topless bar when you're delayed for three hours. >> where did that come from? what are you talking out? >> dating at the airport -- >> dating and topless bars, that's where your mind goes? >> the love of your life, and you talk about strip club. >> many meet the love of their life in a strip club. >> beforeou said that, i was thrown off kilter. we were going toave the ceo on the show tomorrow -- >> ask him about the strip club. >> i tnk it's a great idea -- not the strip club. >> moving on, a new study says men are better than women at finding cars in parking lots, and each uses a different
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strategy. i'm furious. showing 38% of women use landmarks and 24% of men use distance. julie, ring true to you? >> i'm the person that never remembers where i parked my car. >> you're not helping me. >> there's a 1990corola that's still in the garden state parkway that i'm looking for. i'm not going to help you on this. >> i use landmarks, but i don't lose my car in the garage. >> no, you got tt thing, like, you can find your car anywhere with that. that's what the other 70% of the people in the survey go, do, beep beep, and go to the car. >> the salvation army yanked a kettle from downtown colorado springs. the holiday bell ringing campaign is a form of solicitation. the salvation army says it cost


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